We are a 29-year-old, volunteer-led organization with more than 300 members representing more than one million older adults across 10 counties of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Our members include organizations and businesses, as well as individual members such as civic leaders, business owners, medical professionals, scholars, professionals in aging services, students and residents of all ages.
We act as a catalyst to promote policy, program and systems change that improves quality of life for all people, particularly for our oldest generations. We provide a neutral forum for collaboration, education, networking and advocacy.
The Pennsylvania Geriatrics Society – Western Division is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older persons. It is a non-profit organization of physicians and other health care professionals committed to the provision of quality health care for older persons.
Contact us
Pennsylvania Geriatric Society - Western Division 850 Ridge Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Chapter Administrator: Eileen Taylor | etaylor@acms.org