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Pennsylvania GeriatricS Society

Western Division

7 Reasons to Be a Member

  1. Clinical Update in Geriatric Medicine ~  a highly successful, AGS award-winning local conference that attracts internationally and nationally respected speakers to our region.  It is designed by a number of society members in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh Institute on Aging and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences.  Members can take advantage of a discount when registering for this CME conference.
  2. Fall Business Program  ~  to further educate members and provide in-depth and practical information on a key topic of interest in the field of geriatrics, members are invited to a dinner, held at a local area restaurant, and program held each fall. The quality of the presentations are exceptional with both national and well-respected local speakers presenting.  The Fall program is offered at no charge to members with CME opportunities available.
  3. David C. Martin Award ~ this prestigious award supports medical students’ interest in Geriatrics by offering recipients an honorarium of up to $1,500 to attend the American Geriatrics Society national conference to display their work.  Since its inception, the Society is proud to have awarded over $63,000 to medical students in our region. Members play a vital role in providing the scholarship to exceptional medical students who have an interested in the field of geriatrics.  The Society is confident  that this support will encourage medical students interest in geriatrics with the goal of preparing future physicians in the field of geriatrics.
  4. Resident Engagement ~ The Society encourages and supports physicians in training who are considering careers that will involve patient care, education or research related to aging. Membership in the organization is an excellent opportunity for residents to attend meetings of the society and network with fellow physicians. A complimentary membership is offered to residents and is valid for the length of the residency program.
  5. Newsletter and Website  ~ Keeps those in the field updated on programs and issues related to geriatrics on a local and state level. The newsletter is published twice a year. The website offers  timely information for members regarding other geriatric programs in and around the area, as well as public policy issues that are being addressed.
  6. Support of Local Geriatrics Programs  ~ The Society financially supports many local conferences that further educate health care professionals.
  7. Advocacy and Public Policy Forum  ~ The Society collaborates with the American Geriatrics Society by keeping members informed on Legislative updates on care issues affecting older adults.  The organization provides representation at the national and state level of the American Geriatrics Society. By communicating with elected representatives on the state and regional level, the Society has the opportunity to influence policy and educate Congress about the important role geriatricians and other health care professionals play in caring for the nation’s elderly.

About us

The Pennsylvania Geriatrics Society – Western Division is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all older persons. It is a non-profit organization of physicians and other health care professionals committed to the provision of quality health care for older persons.

Contact us

Pennsylvania Geriatric Society - Western Division
850 Ridge Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15212

Chapter Administrator: Eileen Taylor | etaylor@acms.org

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